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7 Best Exercises that will remove your lower back pain

7 Best Exercises that will remove your lower back pain

Of all musculoskeletal ailments, lower back pain is the most prevalent, affecting 70% to 80% of adults at some point in their life.

It makes sense given that this pain can make it challenging for individuals to participate in everyday activities and is a major cause of missed work . It is therefore not unexpected that many people are looking for solutions to treat and avoid lower back discomfort.

Exercise also significantly contributes to enhancing the psychological aspects of managing lower back pain. It’s understandable why so many individuals are trying to avoid and treat lower back discomfort.

Additionally, exercise is more effective at enhancing the psychological components of managing lower back pain.

Common cause behind lower back pain

In general, people who put more physical strain on their lower backs are more likely to get injuries. This can be caused by lifting large objects, twisting, sitting for an extended period of time, or standing still.

Lower back pain is thought to be caused by tight and weak hip muscles, poor core stability, and lower back strain, according to experts. These muscles must be strong and flexible enough to be used throughout regular activities to minimise lower back stress. Long periods of time sitting, making the situation worse.

7 exercises that alleviates lower back pain

These are the best light exercises to reduce lower back pain and improve pose. Do not engage in any activity/exercise which creates pain.

Curved Body Holds

This series of stretches concentrates on the abdomen, hip flexors, and lower body.

Lay on your back on a sturdy surface, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor to start.

Gently raise your knees up to your chest while crossing your ankle over the knee on the other side.

Your spine should remain straight against the ground as you press your lower back into the ground.

Your fingers should be pointing up at the roof as you raise your arms in this manner.

Your toes should be pointed upward as you straighten your legs.

Spread your toes and fingers gradually apart, maintaining your lower back firmly planted on the floor.

Hold this difficult position while breathing.

Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.for 3 to 10 sets. Remember, the key is to feel a comfortable stretch without straining.

Rack Slides

The trapezius and rhomboids in the upper back are the muscles that the rack slide targets.

Stand in front of your door frame or squat rack with a wooden dowel or PVC pipe in your hands.

Holding the dowel with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, place it horizontally in front of the door frame at the level of your collarbone.

Lean slightly forward while standing, keeping the dowel close to the door frame.

Always keep your elbows below your wrists.

Slide the dowel up the door frame, keeping it in place, until your arms are straight.

To help you get to the top position and receive an extra stretch, you can move your weight onto your front foot.

Continue to hold the top spot for a few seconds and daily reps of 10–30.

Strengthening the upper back and posture with this exercise. Keep in mind to regulate the movement, and concentrate on feeling your upper back muscles contract as you move.


The minor and major pectoral muscles, coracobrachialis, and short head of the biceps are the muscles that are targeted by the pass-through.

With a wide hold on a wooden dowel or PVC pipe (often, the wider the grip, the simpler it gets), stand or sit.
Move the dowel over your head and a little behind your back while keeping your arms straight and rotating your shoulders.

If you’re facing a mirror, you’ll see the dowel rise from behind your head to just above your eyes.

As a result, your chest, shoulders, and arms should be significantly stretched out in front of you.

Don’t go any further than that. Instead, hold that position still for 3 seconds before moving back to the starting position.

Do this 10 to 20 times.

A longer, more strenuous stretch hands should be together.

This exercise improves the flexibility and mobility of the shoulders. Maintaining appropriate form while experiencing a light stretch without going too far.

Hip - Axis

Hip hinges focus on the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings as well as the posterior chain of the hips.

If possible, face a mirror while standing with your feet straight under your hips and toes pointed forward.

Move your hands forward as if you were lifting them up and away, while pushing your hips back.
During this action, you can slightly flex your knees.

Your pelvis should be lowered gradually until it is parallel to the ground while maintaining proper spinal alignment. A stretch in the back of your legs is another possibility.

Return to the starting position after holding this position for three seconds.
10 to 30 times during the day, Repeat this.

This exercise strengthens the posterior chain and assists with hip mobility. Maintain proper form while experiencing the stretch.

Young swan

The Baby Swan exercise improves spinal mobility and mid-back strength and is a great technique to counteract the posture of prolonged sitting.

Beginning with your arms extended in front of you and your tummy resting on the mat, assume a tabletop position.

Think about (or put) a tiny ball under your pelvis. Lift your heart and head forward while softly twisting your ball forward as you slowly push the ground away with your arms.

Keep your spine’s midsection moving as much as you can. Imagine a ball if you don’t have one to keep the game going. Although it may be tempting to follow your mind, remind your body to follow your heart.

Keep your hands in the higher position and try to lift them off the mat without bringing your body downwards. By doing this, the activity will be advanced without lowering your body.

Windshield wiper hip mobility

This exercise improves hip control and mobility.

Kneel in a “Z-sit” with your feet under your knees and your knees facing in opposing directions.

Lean back slightly and perform a reverse Z-sit so that your knees are facing the opposite direction.

Keep your spine as long as you can while doing this. If necessary, think about commencing the action by lying down or leaning back while supporting yourself with your hands.

Note: If you have undergone hip surgery, Talk to your doctor before trying this because full rotation may occasionally be restricted following specific hip procedures.

To strengthen mobility during walking, if you can adapt the seated version, attempt to practise knee tucks from the Z-sit before switching sides.

This exercise works the muscles in your mid-back and improves spinal mobility. Keep in mind to move softly and gently while maintaining your body’s natural range of motion.



The lower back and spinal mobility can both be improved and strengthened by swimming.

Lay on your stomach with your legs straight and your arms extended in a “V” position.

Lift your right arm and left leg off the ground slowly to start, then switch to your left arm and right leg.

Avoid trying to lift your limbs from your lower back and make sure you’re not holding your breath.

Placing a pillow under your pelvis may be helpful if your lower back is tight.

Move forward at a faster pace, being careful not to lift your hands or legs too high when changing sides.

Improve by starting the movement with your wrists and shoulders rather than your abdomen.

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