Fit Jetts

A Quick 15-Minute Core Conditioning Workout

A Quick 15-Minute Core Conditioning Workout


“Train your abs skillfully and effectively! This complex exercise, which doesn’t just focus on your body weight, can be integrated into your training regimen 2-3 times each week. 

Workout Summary

Principal Objective          General Fitness

Exercise  Program        Single Muscle Group

Training                           Beginner Level

Duration                          8 weeks

Per week                         3 times

Each workout                 15 minutes 

Required gear                 Bodyweight     

Male and Female Participants

Exercise Description

When people discuss strength, they can be referring to how much weight they can bench press. It’s time to flex those biceps if it’s about body. How your abs look is the go-to indicator for folks who want to get lean or fit.

Related: Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM) Using the Bench Press Calculator

If you regularly participate in the fitness community, you are already aware of the importance of nutrition in influencing the appearance of your abs. You are aware that you will need to train them, though. Similar to any other muscular group, the abs are. For them to advance, they require support and a challenge.

If you’re new around here, you might need to learn how to train your abs to get that

six-pack physique. We’ve got you covered, which is fantastic news. In just 15 minutes, this exercise will strengthen your core and enhance your attractiveness.

You don’t need any equipment or weights to do this 15-minute core fitness workout, and you can do it anywhere. To learn and use advanced exercises everywhere you go, choose a spacious area and bring it with you.

A Quick 15-Minute Core Conditioning Workout

Why is an Ab Workout Good?

All key areas will be worked while getting benefits from an efficient ab workout. There are a total of five exercises in this programme. To help you bend forward, we’ll start with an exercise for the upper abs.

The lower abs exercise that emphasizes elevating your legs high comes next. After that, we’ll perform some oblique workouts, which help with side bending and twisting.

Stability and balance are then important. This feature is frequently ignored in many ab exercises, but not in this one. We are including a plank because of this. Last but not least, the majority of athletes and fitness fanatics strive to keep their waistlines trim.

We’re going to finish it off with a traditional movement. These are all  activities in the Exercise  Database. To help you get the most out of your three-hour meetings every three months, we’re also offering some advice.

Upper Ab: Sit-ups

Sit-ups were probably one of the first exercises you learnt in elementary school, and they’re still effective. Complete sit-ups will benefit both appearance and performance, despite the fact that crunches may be a more popular choice because they focus more on the upper abdomen.

One argument against sit-ups is that when your legs are bent, your hip flexors are worked. You’ll join the hip crowd if you bring your toes up and secure your feet with an anchor so they may be lifted and contracted.

Place a weight plate or a medicine ball on your chest if you feel that your body weight alone isn’t quite enough or if you truly want to concentrate on building strength. If you’d rather merely use your body weight, After a brief period of core contraction, carefully lower yourself back to the ground.

15 reps of this initial exercise should be completed before going on to the next one. Fortunately, changing this is extremely simple!

Alternating leg raises for the lower abs

The lower abs can be worked by lying down and elevating each leg one at a time. Although it works, there is a superior approach that can also improve balance. Because it increases flexibility as well, exercising one leg at a time makes the exercise a little more difficult. It’s not doing the work since you have to maintain stability while the other leg is in the air.

Here’s how to increase its interest level. Before moving on to the other leg, you can perform all the reps for the first leg, or you can alternate legs until all sets are finished. You will perform 15 repetitions of each leg in either case.

If you want to increase the keeping the non-working leg from hitting the floor can also make your core tighten up.

Obliques: Side plank with standing twists and hip dips

The most underutilized aspect of ab training is working the obliques. There is a widespread belief that exercising them can cause your waist to enlarge. That is not true. Actually, you ought to work on them so they appear better as you get leaner and can flaunt your abs.

Although side crunches and twists may be simple, you’re here to improve them. So let’s put ourselves to the test. The side plank is a great exercise for improving stability in a novel position, which will benefit other parts of your fitness. Hip dips are a great exercise for targeting those oblique muscles since you need to maintain your stability while using them.

Try to complete 15 reps on each side.

to perform them without wobbling. Simply get back into the plank posture and keep continuing if you find it difficult.

After finishing the hip dips, immediately transition to standing twists on the opposite sides. As you twist your upper body, make an effort to maintain stable hips.

Plank to Hip Raise Stability

Some people are aware of a shortcut to make the plank simpler, although it does need control of your core and balance. They failed to maintain their core, which is the whole point. You must give it everything if you want to benefit the most from this kind of exercise.

Hip lifts are a great addition to the plank since they serve as a good reminder of why you began in that position in the first place. Hip raises efficiently work your abs, whereas the plank puts stability demands on your abs and lower back.

Take 15 seconds to maintain the plank position. Next, raise your hips for 15 repetitions. Stay in the lowered position after the final hip rise 15 seconds should pass before going on.

Abdominal vacuum

This explains why legendary athletes like Frank Zane, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and others have praised the hoover exercise so highly. It can be utilized to regulate your breathing and slim down your waist.

There are two ways to perform it: reclining on your back or standing. The objective is to suck in your stomach as if you want your navel to touch your spine, regardless of your decision. Make sure to firmly exhale while doing this, hold the breath for five to ten seconds, then let it go and take a break. Five reps should be done.

Combining Exercises

Combining Exercises

Your exercises should be put into a circuit. This will not only put more of a strain on your abs, but it will also increase your calorie expenditure. When you have 15 minutes to spare, you can do this at the gym or comfortably at home.

Try to finish this exercise at least twice, and if you can, try to finish it three times. Just take your time with the sets and focus on the caliber of your reps. After a few weeks of doing this exercise two or three times per week, you’ll notice that your core is stronger and more robust.

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